Fair City Rollers Fresh Meat Night and Scottish Scrims

Posted: by pandacatkaty [Source]
Tags:  annoucements fresh meat


Hot off the heels of their recent bout against ARRG's Cannon Belles, Perth's FCR will host a recruitment night and scrims session.

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, March 27), the Fair City Rollers will hold their Fresh Meat recruitment night, open to women over 18 who want to join the team, and men over 18 who would like to referee. There isn't even any basic skating skills required, so even if the last time you were on skates they had My Little Pony on the side (like mine when I was youngster) you can come along and give it a try.

The Fresh Meat session will be held in Bell's Sports Centre from 7pm to 8pm. Anyone interested in coming along should email faircityrollersrecruitment@gmail.com so that the league can bring along their spare kit.

And immediately after Fresh Meat, FCR will host an open Scottish mixed scrims, where some of the best skaters from around the country will meet and play together. Scrims will be held between 8pm and 10pm.

FCR chairperson Terryfying Tink said: "It's a great opportunity for skaters from all scottish leagues to get together, to learn from each other and have some fun."

FCR hopes to see lots of skaters there!!