The Fierce Valley Roller Cubs Are Coming!
Fierce Valley Roller Girls recently launched their junior league:The Fierce Valley Roller Cubs.The first of its kind in Scotland and only the third currently in the UK.On course to be properly up and running later in the year,The Cubs want to hear from anyone interested in participating in a bit of Derby history.Junior Derby,just like its adult parent,is run on the same principles,promoting fun,friendship,athleticism,team work and self-confidence amongst all involved.While aimed primarily at female skaters between the ages of 5 and 17,boys can join in to train as referees and non skating officials.
Fierce Valley Roller Girls have engaged a number of their skaters to form a Youth Development committee,as the Cubs spokesperson,Frocky Horror explains,"Youth Development’s remit is to explore and pursue opportunities for under 18's to be part of FVRG, which sounds fairly straightforward, but it basically involves starting a whole new league. We have recruited an amazing committee of 9 skaters,we all have different backgrounds and levels of experience with kids, but we share a common goal and are determined to make Fierce Valley Roller Cubs a reality. We are passionate about getting kids on skates and have all pledged to become coaches"
The Cubs will operate under the Junior Roller Derby Association rule set,a modified version of the WFTDA one used the world over by adult leagues.While essentially the same,various changes with safety in mind, have been made to make the sport more playable for young people.These changes include reduced contact ,shorter period times and longer intervals between jams.Additionally there are graduated levels of play,dependant on the age and experience of the skaters.For example,Level 1 skaters may only use positional blocking,At Level 2,skaters may use pushing,while only Level 3 skaters may make full contact.
It's not all about the girls though,Roller Derby needs officials.Boys can join up to train for the vital roles of referees and nonskating officials,or nso's.So while the ref and nso crew get the responsibility of officiating their peers,they also learn various skills that will serve them well in later life,like teamwork,communication and organisation.
As time goes on and skaters progress through the skill levels and,of course, reach the required age,the opportunity will be there to enter the adult league of the Cubs parent,the Fierce Valley Roller Girls,something which Frocky Horror is keen to get across,"It is very important for the juniors to have a goal, and what better goal than getting to graduate and become a Fierce Valley Roller Girl? Pathways into adult leagues are essential for growth, so we aim for the juniors to have a great relationship with the adult league and vice versa."
If you or your kids are interested in joining The Cubs and not only being part of Derby history ,but having fun and keeping active in a friendly environment then you can contact the Fierce Valley Roller Cubs via their Facebook page, at their blog or follow their Twitter account should you have any questions.You can also register your interest here.
Or you can chat in person about the Cubs with the Fierce Valley Roller Girls at their upcoming Craft Emporium.