Dundee Roller Girls vs Fierce Valley Roller Girls
It's a busy weekend for Dundee Roller Girls travel team, The Silvery Tayzers. Sunday 17th November sees them take on Fierce Valley Roller Girls travel team, The Parma Violents. It has been over a year and half since these 2 teams met, both having refreshed their rosters and experience since then. Come along to the DISC, Dundee to see who will win in what is sure to be a most exciting bout.
Doors open at 1.30pm with the bout beginning at 2pm. Tickets are available in advance for the reduced price of £5 (£6 on the door on the day). There will be merchandise from both teams available and beautiful cakes baked by the skaters/refs/NSO's themselves!
This is absolutely not to be missed. See you trackside for some Live Action Roller Derby!