YeARRGly Review (2016)

Posted: by aoanla [Source]
Tags:  2016 arrg articles auld reekie roller girls end of year review


As the skaters pack away their skates for Christmas Break all I can hear in the distance is the gentle fizz of Cherry Lambrini, ice clinking in Lex Luthor’s Gin and the gentle whir of wheels spinning as my skates get their yearly maintenance. Not to mention the continuing echo of “All I want for Christmas” in my head after Auld Reekie Roller Girls' Christmas scrimmage on Thursday.

We had massive attendance from our Intermediate and our Advanced skaters to take part in this once a year opportunity.

The Festive Periods took on the Ba Humbugs in some super fun skating that involved a few Clockwise Jams, Dancing Jams, Singing Jams and even a "Throw your hands in the air like you just don't mind terribly and would only be mildly inconvenienced" Jam. No idea who won, that wasn’t really the goal. We had Pass the Parcel, raffles and some conveniently named officials Ref's for the evening were - The Yule be Sorry and The Prosec-NS-Ho-Ho-Ho's ( You can probably guess who they were), we had 2 Santas, a troupe of elves and a few Grinches who didn't dress up ( Me) . There was more festive cheer than you could shake a candy cane at.

So, with the Year drawing to an end, I thought it an apt moment to conclude the year for ARRG and summarise some of the amazing games and scores from all 3 travel teams this year.

Starting with the ALL STARS (our A- Team)

12/3/16    ARRG 188 - 147 Newcastle RG(A)

02/4/16   ARRG 238 - 105 DUBLIN

28/4/16   ARRG 168 - 176 EMERALD CITY [The Big O]

29/4/16   ARRG 123 - 244 WINDY CITY [The Big O]

30/4/16   ARRG 139 - 261 SACRED CITY [The Big O]

01/5/16   ARRG 113 - 259 SANTA CRUZ [The Big O]

11/6/16    ARRG   71  - 221 KALLIO

08/10/16 ARRG 145 - 266 London RG B

22/10/16 ARRG 132 - 203 Newcastle RG (A)


30/01/16 ASR 201 - 121 DRESDEN

12/03/16 ASR 116 - 172 DUNDEE (A)

08/10/16 ASR   89 - 256 London RG (C)

22/10/16 ASR 132 - 172 Newcastle RG (WH)

05/11/16 ASR 179 -  99  GCRD


11/6/16    ASTRO 209 - 109 GCRD (FH)

06/8/16   ASTRO 166 - 220 DRG (B)

29/10/16  ASTRO 399 - 112 MCRD (W)

19/11/16   ASTRO 378 -  94 BELFAST


                  ASTRO 179 -  36 GCRD (FH)

                  ASTRO 137 -  45 DRG (B)

                  ASTRO 132 -  19 LOTHIAN

                  ASTRO 298 -  64 DRG (B)

It has been a great year for ARRG, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are excited to get stuck into 2017. The New Year brings a fresh Roster selection, New Captains and Vice, New rules to look over and, hopefully, new game prospects and new friends to make.

From everyone at ARRG we wish you all Merry Festivities and a Happy New Year when it comes.

yearrgly2 The Circle of ARRG!

Lots of Love

Lannthrax <3